Smoking remains the single biggest cause of preventable illness and death in England.
In October, smokers in England are being urged to stub out the habit as part of the annual Stoptober public health campaign.
Stopping smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for your health. Quitting is much easier when you get the right support and there are lots of options to choose from.
Download the NHS Quit Smoking App to begin your journey, track your progress and see how much money you’re saving too!
You may find the need to use aids to manage nicotine cravings and tobacco withrawal, you can also get free expert help from your Local stop-smoking service.
Stopping smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for your health. Quitting is much easier when you get the right support and there are lots of options to choose from. The earlier you quit smoking, the more you’re likely to benefit and it’s never too late to kick the habit.
From the first day you stop smoking, your body starts clearing itself of all those nasty toxins from smoking, your body’s repair process begins. Within the first few days / Weeks; Your sense of taste and smell improve, you’ll begin to breathe more easily and will have more energy.
You’ll also reduce risks of smoking released diseases, such as lung and heart disease, stroke and cancer.
Get started NHS Better Health has some great tips: