Post: Its OK to Talk | Andys Man Club

Its OK to Talk | Andys Man Club

On Sunday 15th, Mat was joined by James, a group facilitator for Andy’s Man Club to talk about Men’s Mental Health.

Andy’s Man Club is a mens suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend, peer-to-peer support groups across the UK.

The club takes its name from a young man called Andrew Roberts who at the young age of 23 took his own life in 2016, his family came together, forming Andy’s Man Club, with the mission to end stigma surrounding men’s mental health, supporting men through the power of conversation, talking about experienced without any pressures.

Staggeringly 18–54 years old men are most likely to take their own lives,  that’s 2 in 5 people – with men making up 75% of the all suicides in the UK.
Andy’s Man Club says it’s #ITSOKTOTALK, there are many pressures on men from society, from telling men to “Man Up” or trying to fit in as ‘one of the lads’ to some cultures teaching young men that it’s weak to ask for help.

There are over 150 groups across the UK including; London Euston, Barnet, Basildon, Chelmsford – just to name a few locally – Plus online sessions.
Reach out to them today:

Listen Again to our interivew: