Bedrock GOLD

Funded by donations.

Help Keep Us On-Air

Bedrock GOLD is operated by Bedrock Radio is a registered charity (1180476). 
We are operated entirely by local volunteers who give their time generously to run our Community Health and Hospital Radio services for local people and health services in Havering, Barking, Dagenham and Redbridge.

Bedrock Radio is funded entirely through donations and sponsorship from the general public and local companies, we achieve this by hosting local events, outside broadcasts and arranging collections and selling on-air and online sponsorship.
Bedrock receive no financial support from the NHS. 

Many of listeners make Bedrock Gold part of their day, from listening in hospital, at home, at work or on the go. We’re available in hospital, online, smart speakers and the Bedrock Radio App. Playing non-stop Great Memories, Classic Hits for East London & Essex.

new rado

Inclusive Bedside Radios

We're making Hospital Radio more accessible to more patients.

At Queen's Hospital, we're introducing new, easy to use bedside radio for patients.
Our new Ward Radio solution will become available in more wards than the previous, expensive bedside TV system. Allowing patients to listen as long as they like, aiding their recovery, , regardless if they own a smartphone or tablet device.
Help us buy more units by sponsoring a radio!

Hire The Bedrock Roadshow!

Our Public Address / Outside broadcast equipment and team to provide the entertainment for your event!

More Information

Fundraising Your Way.

Put the FUN into Fundraising
Host your own event, take on a challenge or turn your interests into funds for the Bedrock Radio.

Live Music Night for Bedrock Radio