Illegal House in Multiple Occupation costs landlord £18,000
Two landlords who refused to stop using their property as a House in Multiple Occupation have been found guilty at court.
Home » Dagenham
Two landlords who refused to stop using their property as a House in Multiple Occupation have been found guilty at court.
Barking and Dagenham Council has partnered with the Ben Kinsella Trust to relaunch its hard-hitting campaign, ‘Lost Hours’, to crack down on youth violence and
GPs in north east London are reminding people that choosing the right place for medical help over the Christmas holidays can help them get the
GP practices across north east London are changing the way they provide evening and weekend appointments to ensure patients can get help more easily when
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Listen again to Community News stories from East London & South Essex.
Listen again to Community News stories from East London & South Essex.
On average adults in the UK average around 73% of us, undertake some physical activity lasting 30 – 150+ minutes a week, with around 25% of
Bedrock Radio is a Community and Hospital Radio station serving people living across East London, South Essex and surrounding areas.
We are a charity run radio station with the objective of; Providing relief of sickness, poor health and old age, and advancement of health through the promotion of the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, and having good personal mental and physical health for the public benefit, by providing a local broadcasting service for the health community.
Our Hospital Radio services cover all sites run by; BHR Hospitals, NELFT NHS Trusts and Barts Health Trust’s, Whipps Cross Hosptial.