Health and wellbeing hub set to welcome first patients
New health and wellbeing centre to open in November as the St George’s Country Park Surgery.
Havering Council launches Active Travel Consultation
Havering Council has launched its; ‘Active Travel Consultation’, aimed at transforming the way people move across the borough.
New health centre opened in Beam Park
New health centre officially opened in Beam Park, Rainham, and welcomes it’s first patients.
Illegal House in Multiple Occupation costs landlord £18,000
Two landlords who refused to stop using their property as a House in Multiple Occupation have been found guilty at
Havering is Blooming Marvellous!
Green-fingered Havering residents have donned their gardening gloves once again for this years Havering In Bloom competition.
Traffic camera feeds from Transport For London.
Bedrock Community News & Extra bulletins are produced by our volunteers.
None of our team are qualified journalists.
All of our bulletins produced are an impartial summery of local events that we have compiled & simplified from press releases sent to us (Local Councils, NHS CCGs, UK Government, Highways England, Police & Fire Service) & published stories from established local press. One bulletin is produced by The Havering Daily.
When using local press in our bulletins we always cite our source.
In general, we do not include political material or items that may cause harm or offence.
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